How it work ?

How To build a mailing list , waitlist in less than 2 min

How to custom form (example)

<link rel="stylesheet" href=""/> <iframe src=" &bg_btn=000000 &bg_hover_btn=black &text_color_btn=white &border_radius_btn=5px &bg_input=f0f0f0 &text_color_input=333333 &border_radius_form=10px &border_form=cccccc &text_color_hover_btn=yellow" scrolling="no" ></iframe>
bg_btnBackground color of the button
text_color_btnText color of the button
border_radius_btnBorder radius of the button
bg_inputBackground color of the input field
text_color_inputText color of the input field
border_radius_formBorder radius of the form
border_formBorder color of the form
bg_hover_btnBackground color of the button on hover
text_color_hover_btnText color of the button on hover